What to Expect

1) Before coming to your appointment make sure that you are familiar with where my office is. Information about my location can be found here. You may also want to take my phone number along with you in the event that you take a wrong turn or are running late. I check my phone between clients, especially when I am expecting someone new.

2) Once in the building, my office is located on the main floor near the end of the hall on the left hand side. When you enter my office you will find a small waiting area. Please have a seat and I will be with you at the time of your appointment.

3) During the first appointment I like to focus on getting to know you as well as get an overview of the current concerns you are having. We will work together to identify goals that you would like to achieve. It is okay if you are feeling nervous or are on the quiet side during our time together. Especially in the first couple appointments I will have lots of questions!

4) A typical session will last 50 minutes.

5) Payment can be made at the beginning or end of each appointment. I currently accept check and cash in the exact amount. Please click here for more information about payment.

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